Monday, November 16, 2009

Our Little Lamb

We went to our first seasonal party as a family. A Halloween party! Fun times. Emma was a lamb, and Paul and I were sheep farmers. Emma did very well and only fussed a couple of times. We got all dressed up again on Saturday to hand out candy, but we had no trick-or-treaters! Oh well. More candy for us! Emma and I danced to Halloween songs... until she threw up... oops!

We went to Phoenix to visit Sam and Larry and go to a friend's graduation. The highlight of the trip was going to the zoo. Emma loved the aquarium. She loved it so much she slept through most of the rest. Emma showed off her army crawl and her awesome set of lungs. She sure loves to hear herself yell!

Emma is army crawling a lot, crawling a little and standing all the time. She even uses her walker to walk around a little. She would do that all day long if she could. We had a doctor's appointment today, because Emma's eye has been bothering her. She apparently has a blocked tear duct. No big deal. I just have to massage it.

This week, Emma and I are on our own while Paul is in Phoenix. The upside is that Paul will be home shortly before Thanksgiving! Time is flying by! I can't type much more. Emma is in my lap and very unhappy that I am blogging and not playing with her. I will post more updates after next week's dinner and BLACK FRIDAY SHOPPING! I am sooooooo excited that Sam will be here to go. It will be fun times for the girls... but not for Emma. She gets to hang out with Daddy and Larry! They will have their own fun!

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