Saturday, October 17, 2009

Growing up

We had Emm'a six moth check up on the 9th. She is still long and skinny. 14 pounds and 26 inches. Emma is sitting like a champ now. She even leaned forward onto her knees today to reach something but collapsed when she reached to grab. Yesterday we noticed Emma cut TWO teeth! I knew she had been working on it, but I didn't expect for two to cut through at the same time. She tries to chew her spoon with her little teeth. It is so amazing! On top of all of this, Emma has learned that she can be LOUD! She just screams at the top of her lungs while she plays, and when she is mad... everyone within a mile radius know all about it! Fun for Emma... she is going through all her Stage 1 foods to see if she has allergies. After that, we move on to yummy Stage 2 combos. Like Strawberry Banana. Mmmmmm!

Paul and I are both enjoying our jobs. Emma is doing a good with her baby sitter, and her sitter LOVES her. I had to go by to pick up Emma's left over milk, and I left Emma in the car with Paul. Patricia (the sitter) said, "Oh! Is Emma in the car. I'll go out so I can see her". I told Paul that is how I know Patricia doesn't just like Emma. She loves her. That makes me feel really good. It is still hard for me to leave Emma, but at least it's only twice a week. I will work more hours if I have to, but I am not going to just volunteer to for the heck of it.

We are very much looking forward to the holiday season. At least I know I am! We are also planning on having a family portrait taken. It will be fun for Emma to be able to celebrate her first Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas on the outside! Especially since I really feel she will be mobile within the next few weeks. I am just so happy that we are able to be so close to family, and I know they are just as happy to have us near by!

That's all I have for now. I may not post again until Halloween, unless Emma decides to crawl before then. Keep your fingers crossed that we sell our house for a very good amount, so I can get a computer and internet soon! Then I can post more often, especially as Emma starts learning things faster. So far, we are at a mile stone a week. I can't imagine more than that!

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