Monday, November 1, 2010


This year Emma dressed up as Little Bo Peep. We went to Boo at the Zoo the weekend before Halloween with my mom, dad, Sam and Larry. Emma had a blast. She loved the birds and the farm area. She especially loved the cows and goats.

Emma could have stayed in the farm all day. In fact, she burst into tears when I took her away from the cows. By that time, she was pretty exhausted, so Paul carried her for a little while before putting her back into her stroller. Emma had a blast with her Grammy and Papa. She ran all over the zoo, and Papa did a great job of chasing after her. It was great to see her having such a good time. Dad will be leaving to go back to Saudi soon, and it almost seemed like Emma knew that. She snuggled with him, played with him and was an all around charmer.

On Halloween, Paul, Emma and I went into Flagstaff to trick-or-treat downtown. It didn't take Emma long to get the hang of it. At the first couple of stops, we had to pick out the candy for Emma. After that, she would look at me, run over to whoever had the candy, grab a piece and run away. She had to stop constantly to make sure her candy was still in her basket, even though I kept telling her I wouldn't steal it.

For dinner, we stopped at a pizza place. I noticed Emma still had a dry diaper, so I took her to the bathroom to see if she would go. Sure enough, as soon as I sat her down, she went pee pee. It was her first time going potty in a public place. She is getting so good at knowing when she has to go potty, that I've convinced her teachers to help out with potty training, even though they don't usually start working with the kiddos until they are in the 2 year old room. Anyway, we all had a great time last night. It was an awesome way to spend Halloween.

Some other updates:

Emma is talking up a storm now. She knows exactly what she's trying to say, and we can actually decipher most of it. She is sleeping in her big girl bed now, and she uses the potty more often than not when she's at home. She's even waking up to go potty. Emma has become so self-sufficient it's often heartbreaking at endearing at the same time. The other day, she said, "I yuh you" and gave me a big hug. That was the first time she told me she loves me without being prompted, and I LOVED it. She gives hugs and kisses and says she loves us all the time. We are very excited to see how she is with her new baby brother or sister.

Gambel made it to 16 weeks and even had some of his adult teeth in now. It seems he had a brush with death and made it through unscathed. He is getting very big, and we all (Alpine and Trixie included) absolutely adore him. Emma loves to feed him, and he is pretty much housebroken already.

Baby is doing very well. We had an ultrasound last week. Baby is breech, but that's not really a huge concern yet. Emma was breech, too, until 36 weeks. So there's still plenty of time. Right now, Baby is estimated to weigh about 4 lbs, so we are pretty sure this one will be chubbier than Emma was. I still have no idea whether we were having a boy or girl, but Paul says boy. I think I'll stick with girl so at least one of us will be right. We have a diaper party next weekend, a date to see Harry Potter and a hospital tour the weekend after and after that... it'll be Thanksgiving. Time is going by so quickly, and I don't think it will slow down any time soon. Ready or not, here come the holidays and a new baby!

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