Monday, February 23, 2009

Week 34

We had another non-stress test on Friday. Everything went well. Baby moved so hard Paul saw my belly jiggle like a Jello mold. Baby's feet still seem to be planted right in my pelvis. I truly understand the meaning of "Evil Crotch Pain". We have another appointment on March 6th... which is 25 days before our DUE DATE!! My oh my time is flying now. At the next appointment, we will have an ultrasound first to see if Baby has flipped head first. Please cross your fingers. I don't want to have a version, and I definitely don't want a c-section. For now, I will try not to freak out about it. I had to see the midwife for my appointment, since my doctor was out of town. I really like the midwife, and I LOVE her nurses, so it wasn't a big deal. My blood pressure was much lower than normal, which may explain why I was feeling to worn out. My weight gain is up to 24 pounds. Right on track. I did notice that my weight went a little crazy in the 2nd trimester, but I've heard it's not uncommon to gain the bulk of pregnancy weight at that time. I gained 6 pounds one month and 8 the next... yikes!!!! Then I leveled out to a pound a week. I have gained 4 pounds in 6 weeks, so hopefully I can keep it at that.

We got the nursery finished on Saturday. It looks really nice. The insides of all of Baby's furniture are sanitized, all of Baby's clothes and bedding are washed and put away, all of the furniture is polished on the outside, and the carpets are vacuumed and steam cleaned. Needless to say, I was in an extreme amount of pain by Saturday night. I didn't know 24 extra pounds would hurt my back and feet so bad. I had a bad night, which made me cry, and the added pain made me cry even more. I know it is all worth it in the end, but I wish some of this extra weight could cushion my poor bones. I feel like I am walking on bare bones in my feet! And my sweet, sweet baby thinks it fun to stretch out into my spine. Mom, I am sorry for ever having caused you so much pain by being posterior, now please undo the curse you put on me. I am BEGGING you!!

Paul is out of town this week, but he bought me some entertainment before he went. I really do have a very thoughtful husband, in spite of what I may say in my more hysterical moments. He bought me a new Harvest Moon game, so I can get my farm on. He also bought me ice cream... rather... he let me buy some ice cream. I cry about my weight all the way to the refrigerator... The weather has been nice and the sun is staying up longer, so I am trying to get back to walking. I am going to need Heather to drag my hiney out whether I like it or not. It's just so easy to curl up in bed at the end of the day. But, if I want my ice cream, I need to be willing to expend a little extra energy to work some of it off. In my defense, I did buy a lifetime supply of fruit on Friday. I just like dessert afterward.

Basically, all is well in the Hancock world. The dogs are a pain, but what else is new. I am a bit crazy, but, again, what else is new. Paul is Paul. Very sweet and always caught in the middle of me and my personalities. God bless him. At least he will be prepared the second time around. At least he is still up for pregnancy number two someday.

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