Monday, February 2, 2009

32 Weeks

Paul and I had an appointment last Thursday, January 30. We didn't get to see our regular doctor, but the appointment went well. I gained 2 pounds in three weeks. Hooray for that! I was pretty sure I had gained about 5!! So my weight gain is now around 20 pounds. Right on target. I am starting to feel better about my self image. I just try not to look at my rear in direct light... My blood pressure was nice and average, and Baby is moving often.

Paul and I also finished our birthing classes. We got to go on a tour of labor and delivery, and I almost cried a couple of times. No real reason other than my stinking hormones. It's just amazing to think we will be in there before too long having our own little baby!

Baby is nice and playful now. I have a head in my left hip, a hiney in my belly button, and a foot in right ribcage. My body is starting to really hurt me. I have a pretty consistent pain in the lower right side of my belly, and my back and hips hurt me beyond description at times. I am also starting to get pretty sleepy, but that could be due to my lack of sleep. Either I am too uncomfortable to sleep, I am comfortable but Baby is not or I just can't sleep. HOWEVER... I am not complaining. I am just updating you all on how I am feeling. eing pregnant is amazing, and time is passing to quickly. I will very much miss feeling my little baby moving around inside of me. I will miss having my baby with me where ever I go.

Paul and I worked on the house some more over the weekend. The nursery is primed and ready to be textured. The bathroom is almost completely grouted. Now, let's just hope we can get it sold this summer!

In any case... 8 MORE WEEKS!! Our next appointment is February 13. Our baby shower is this coming Saturday. My family (minus Dad) will be here on Friday, and I am so excited to see everyone. I think they will all get a kick out of seeing me the size of a small walrus. I really do need to post some belly pictures. I promise I will get on that shortly. Sometimes it really sucks not having internet at home. I have the pictures, I just need to upload them. I will try to update as soon as I can. I'm pretty sure it won't be until next week, though.

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