Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Where has the time gone?

I'm glad I'm not responsible for a popular blog. I just realized it's been almost a month since my last update. In my defense, it was the holidays, and we were moving our office where I work. Given that we only have about 11 weeks left, and things are bound to happen quickly, I will make a point of updating weekly! For now, I will do a quick "catch up".

Last appointment: 28 weeks on January 8
U/S results: Cervix is nice and long. No need to watch it anymore!!
Doctor appointment results: I am no longer sharing my weight gain. Blood pressure was fine, weight gain was fine. My belly is measuring right on track. Baby's HR was nice and fast. My glucose test came back right in the middle of the acceptable range. All of my other blood work is great. I told the doctor I have no complaints and that I'm boring, and he said "you are not boring. You are nothing short of perfect". He also said I'm skinny! I'm pretty sure I love him. Paul tells me all the time how great I look, and I appreciate that, but it's nice to hear it from a doctor.

I have all intentions of posting a picture of myself soon and finally scanning my 20 ultrasound baby face picture. I'll try to do it in the next few days.

Paul and I started our birthing classes. It freaked me out! Mostly, I just feel unprepared. We need to get a lot taken care of for the house. I also wish our nest egg was a little bigger. But... everything always works out in the end. All will be fine. I realize that. It all happens the way it's supposed to happen, whether it makes sense at the time or not.

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