Thursday, April 2, 2009

I'm In Labor!

I had my 40 week appointment today, and the doctor broke through some more scar tissue. He said there was a band of scar tissue still holding things up. After much tugging and pulling, the doctor finally broke the band and stretched me to 3 cm. Paul and I hung around town and walked for about an hour. I was cramping pretty bad, but I didn't think I was contracting. We had dinner, and Paul thought we should stop by the hospital to get checked out. I was contracting about every three minutes, so they admited me.

I have since (5 hours later) dilated to 4 cm. The doctor hooked me up to pitocin to try to get things going. He thinks my "breaking point" may be 5 cm. We will have to see. The contractions are closer and more intense, but they are still very tolerable. The doctor says he is pretty sure my paain threshold is very high and I will be able to tolerate the contractions well. He based his opinion on what he did to me earlier in the day.

I will update more as events happen. One way or another, we are having a baby soon!

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