Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Better things to do...

This is just a quick little post about our impatient Emma. She decided (after much biting on her side and pain on my side) that she prefers a bottle to old fashion nursing. I am still able to nurse Emma in the middle of the night. During the day, however, when there are better things to do, Emma prefers to chug-a-lug a bottle and get back to playing. I guess I was just too slow and she had to work too hard.

I cried a lot when I realized what was happening, but I am okay with it now. Not happy. Okay. I am not able to pump enough milk for Emma, so I am having to mix a little bit of formula with her milk, but she has no complaints. She guzzles 5-7 oz in about 5 minutes, pushes her bottle away and demands to be entertained. So even if I am not, Emma seems perfectly content with the way things are now.

Emma is pushing her walker around more and more every day. She is eating all sorts of "big people" food. After gagging and making a production out of rejecting her pureed baby foods, Emma showed us that she prefers to feed herself. Now, I give her cereal, some nasty-horrible-mommy-is-awful pureed baby fruit or veggies and some steamed, cubed whole fruits or veggies and puffs that Emma can pick up and eat by herself.

We are looking forward to Thanksgiving and all the fun foods Emma will get to try. She had some Vanilla Wafers last night and daintily nibbled them with her tiny teeth before gumming them to a nasty paste. It is amazing to think that she was snug in my tummy this time last year, and now she is playing games, chewing cookies and cruising around with her walker. She is truly the most amazing thing in the world!

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