Wednesday, December 2, 2009


This was our first real holiday with Emma, and it was fantastic! My sister and her boyfriend were able to come up to Mom's house and join us, which was an improbability until the week before. Paul and I made sure to test Emma on foods she may try before hand, just to make sure we wouldn't have any allergic reaction scares. Emma sat at the table with us and had some turkey and sweet potato baby food. After that, she had some of my roll, some steamed sweet potatoes, some baby cheese doodles, steamed pears and steamed apples. My little lady was a piggy and just kept on eating.

We had a video camera set up on the table to record Emma, We all agree it will be fun to listen to the background conversations in a few years! It was amazing to think about what Paul and I were doing this time last year. I guess the setting was similar, except that Dad was able to join us. The biggest difference was that Emma was still in my belly. It was a bit surreal to sit there next to her, watching her feed herself and listen to her "talking". I realized my life has changed forever and that it has only changed for the better. I have a fierce protectiveness toward my little girl and a love for her that makes all things bearable... as long as I still have Emma.

We got started on Christmas a little early this year. Actually, it may have been a little too early for Emma at first. She has been listening to Christmas music with me and with her sitter. On Wednesday morning (the day before Thanksgiving), I went in to get Emma when she woke up in the morning. I said, "good morning, Emma!" And she says..."BAH HA BAH!" Shocked, I asked her, "did you just say bah humbug to me?" With crinkled forehead, Emma says in her angriest voice, "BAH HA BAH!!!!!" Needless to say, we took a break from all things Christmas until after Thanksgiving. Never before and not since has Emma said anything even remotely close to bah humbug...!

Had Emma known what was in store for her, she would have asked for Christmas to come even earlier. The girls all hit the Black Friday sales, and Emma got jammies GALORE! She also got some shirts, warm socks and jeans. I couldn't find any good sales on toys, and I was pretty bummed about that. Fortunately, I found some fun stuff online. I ordered a Baby Einstein tunnel (SUPER AWESOME!!!!!!) and a Leap Frog table. We went ahead and gave Emma her presents, because I just couldn't wait. I love the tunnel way more than she does, but Mom and Paul agree that she will love it as she gets older. Emma is fascinated to no end with the table. It plays music and talks in English and Spanish. She will stand at the table for up to an hour playing with all the instruments. I am glad we were able to find some toys in the end. It has helped put me in the Christmas spirit.

Lastly, things are moving along with the sale of our house. Paul had to make a last minute trip today to Colorado to dewinterize the house for inspections. Hopefully all goes well with everything. Hopefully we get an offer soon! After Paul is done in Colorado, he is headed to New Mexico for a training. Emma and I are spending some time with my Mom so I can have some company. I love Emma to pieces, but sometimes I need to be around some one who can actually understand me and and hold a conversation with me. Emma was pretty grumpy pants tonight. Hopefully she will perk up tomorrow or Mom is going to send up home!

P.S. I saw that I have a new follower! Hooray and thanks for reading my blog!

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