Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I can do it myself!

I woke up yesterday to Emma crawling over my bed. I noticed she was naked, but that is nothing new for her. I got out of bed, went into the bathroom and noticed the house smelled nasty. We have some chicks in the house, so I chalked it up to that. I got Asher out of his crib and was just about to change him when Emma called to me. She was laying in my bed with her legs way up in the air. The day took a horrible turn when she said, "look, Mommy! Poop!" She had poo smeared all down her legs and all over her feet. The same little legs that were sliding all over my sheets. The same little feet that had been running around the house for God only knows how long. Poor Asher Babe had to go back into the crib with out his morning bottle. Luckily he had woken up later than usual for his middle of the night feeding, so I knew he wasn't starving... yet. Emma was promptly plopped into the shower.

By this time I noticed I had stepped in poo at some point. Needless to say, the whole house got mopped and my bed got stripped. Emma was scrubbed from head to toe. The odd thing is that I never found any evidence of WHERE Emma had pooed. Her pull up was in the trash... wet and soggy but not pooed in. I asked Emma over and over if she had gone poopy. Every time, she said, "Yeah, Mommy! I poopy rocks right here." All while pointing to the toilet. I guess she woke up and tried to go potty by herself. I was proud but definitely horrified at the same time.

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