Thursday, August 25, 2011

Asher at 8 months

I will attempt to refrain from going on and on about how quickly time is passing and just give the facts.

Height and Weight: About 26 inches and 18.5 pounds
Teeth: Bottom two front teeth are through and several top teeth seem to be on their way
Milestones reached: Asher...
  • sleeps through the night when his teeth are not hurting.
  • decided he was done nursing, so we had to switch to formula.
  • also decided he is a big boy and purees are for babies, so he is eating various finger foods and most of what we eat for meals.
  • can crawl on his hands and knees, pull up to stand and climb up his toys.
  • attempted to take a step today and failed big time. He only cried for a second (out of shock probably), so it's okay to laugh.
Favorite toy: Anything he is not supposed to have. Like the edges of the safety mats we have on the floor.
Security Object: His tiny blankey. While traveling, he snuggles with an elephant Grammy bought for him.
Ticklish spots: Collar bone and toes. He laughs so hard he makes complete strangers giggle.
Favorite pastimes:
  • When he is being held, Asher loves for the person holding him to jump.
  • Any game Emma is playing. He just watches her and smiles all day.
  • Dancing and listening to us sing is always a favorite.
  • Visiting the dogs or chickens is always good for a giggle.
  • Playing in the shower with Mommy and Emma is how he prefers to get clean now.
  • Swimming! Just like the rest of his family.
Asher is a very social baby and loves just about everyone he has ever met. He spent a day at daycare, and only cried a little. When I went to pick him up, he was sitting on the floor playing. Once he saw me, he laughed and laughed. Everyone who has met Asher just loves him. He is just such a happy and sweet little guy. It's easy to know when something is really bothering him, because then he will get fussy and upset. While having another baby has been hard at times, I wouldn't trade a single minute of it. We all love Asher so much!

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