Thursday, August 27, 2009



Paul got the promotion and is being transferred to Williams. I am actually already in the area to do the house hunting, look for a sitter for Emma and look for a job. I have accomplished one-and-a-half of my goals already. I found us a house. We had it narrowed down to two when Paul was here over the weekend, but I got to make the final decision on Monday after Paul had already gone back to Colorado. The house is about 1900 square feet and sits on 1.25 acres. It has three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a sun room and a hot tub. Due to us having to haul water (no fancy well systems like in Colorado... no ground water like in Colorado to dig a well...), we will not be using the hot tub. It also has a pellet stove, so that should help keep the house nice and toasty. We will also have lots of storage space (for all of Paul's toys) with the two car garage and a storage shed. The dogs have a fenced yard and a doggie door, and there is room for our trailer and camper. There's even hook ups for the camper in case Paul ever gets in trouble and I kick him out!

I have possibly found a job (hence the "half" of one of my missions accomplished). I was talking to a lady I used to work with at NACOG whom I ADORE! I wanted to meet up with her for lunch since I am back in town. On top of setting up a time and day to meet, she told me she needs some one to work for her part time. We are meeting for breakfast tomorrow, so I will know more then.

My uncompleted task is finding some one (whom I trust) to take perfect care of my baby pumpkin. Again... I will cut this section short so I don't have to think about all the "what ifs".

I just realized that I have to delay the publishing of this post. My dad is back in town, and he thinks Emma and I went back to Colorado with Paul. We are going to Phoenix to surprise him tomorrow morning. He has never met Emma in person. I don't want to risk him reading all of this before I get there. We (too many people involved to mention) are so excited to be surprising him. He will be so happy to see his little grand daughter.

It is so nice to be around family. Mom, Sam and Larry seems to really like seeing Emma so often. Sam moved to Phoenix, so she doesn't see Emma every day, but she will see her much more often than when we lived in Colorado. Emma Really loves her Grammy, Auntie and Uncle. It's great to see how happy she is with them.

I feel bad for Paul being without his family in an empty house. The movers came yesterday and loaded up everything. Thank goodness for Alpine. And for Rob. They should help keep Paul company.

Emma is a talker, and it is amazing to listen too. I wish I could understand what she saying. I can tell if she's happy or not, but I would like to know the specifics! She could roll from her back to her tummy if she really wanted to, but the only time she really attempts it is when I'm changing her diaper. I am using a bassinet right now, so she can only go so far. She remains a very good baby. It took a few days for her to adjust to her new surroundings, but she is very happy now. She has a temper that I am afraid is here to stay, but that won't be a real problem for a few years still.

Emma is growing like a baby weed. At her 4 month check up, she measured 24.25 inches and weighed 12 pounds, 13 ounces. So she is still long and skinny. She fits into her 6-9 month jumpers perfectly, but she is still skinny enough to barely fill a 3-6 month onsie. Her 6-9 month pants are long enough for her, but they are way big in the waist. She is eating her cereal like a champ. Emma likes both the rice cereal and the oatmeal. We are waiting on other solids until Emma is 6 months old.

I think that is all I have for now. I shall share more later!

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