Monday, August 31, 2009

Grandpa's Surprise

Larry and I get to Phoenix, pick up Sam and head to Rick and Jennifer's house. Dad and Uncle Ricky are still out after golfing. Dad still has no idea Emma and I are waiting for him. Mom tells me Dad and Uncle Ricky are pulling up. Sam is holding Emma (who is napping). It's about 7PM or so. I open the door, and Dad stands there staring at me wondering how in the world I magically teleported from Colorado. It all finally clicks in his head. He has been tricked and surprised! Dad comes in and finally meets Emma for the first time. As always, Emma is sleeping!

Grandpa and Emma have been bonding since then. My 3 year old cousin, Riley, was pretty sure Emma was his baby. He even told me at one point that Emma was not my baby but was his baby. We will have to make sure the two of them visit often. He was very concerned every time she cried, and he was also confused as to why she could not run around and play with him. "Put her on the floor so she ca sit with me". "Let her down. She wants to go". i wish I had brought my video camera!

I am picking up the keys to our new house today. We are only renting for now, and for now that makes me very happy. The movers should come tomorrow or Wednesday, but I have plenty of stuff for Emma and me for the time being. Paul will be here next week, and I can't wait. I have been lucky enough to have been kept very busy, but that is coming to an end. Even though I am surrounded by family, I still miss my husband.

I spoke to my friend at NACOG and also to the director of the department I was in. Both really want me to come back, which is fantastic, because I would love to come back! As soon as I know what Paul's schedule is going to be, I will let my friend know if I can start out by coming in on Fridays. By the end of September, I should be up to two or three days a week. I am very excited. I loved the department I was in. It was the happiest I have ever been at work. Everyone truly cares about eachother, and even though I was gone for two years, every one was so happy to see me come back. They all loved Emma, and they are willing to work with meas I try to ease my way back into work. I am very thankful for friends like that!

Now to find a sitter... I feel like that will work out just as everything else has been. So we will see!

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